Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 4, 2017

Trao đổi giữa Inventor và Revit

Autodesk Inventor - Autodesk Revit BIM Exchange...with Parameters and Component Structure!

New on Autodesk labs is a new free utility for users of Inventor 2011 andRevit 2011 for exchange of Inventor iParts and iAssemblies to map their parameters and component strucutre directly to Revit. Sorry, still no geometry, that is a little more in depth, but a tech can hope right?  Currently there only way to get geometry over to Revit is through the ADSK file for smart metadata and MEP connections.  Click on the ADSK hyperlink for more information on how that is done.
The new utility is actually quite simple and let me stop you before you ask the question.  Mark, if this still doesn't translate geometry to Revit, why do I care about the parameters going over to Revit?  Well, after we send this over to Revit and create Revit geometry and families off of it, we can also use the utility to Refresh the parameters after designs changes happen in Inventor.  Otherwise you will have to do the same thing twice in two different pieces of software.  Where's the fun in that?!?
The BIM Family Toolkit (click link for labs download site), is loaded into both Inventor and Revit.  Once you have an iPart or iAssembly ready for export, start the AEC Exchange Environment in Inventor.
Inventor BIM Export
Once inside the AEC Exchange system, apply any Component properties you might want to send over for the model in the iProperties and then start the Export Building Family Table command.  We are not worried about MEP Connectors, Orientation, or Model simplicity here since this is for more Architecture or Structure based components instead of factory machinery.
Save this out as a RFD file.
ExportSaveAsOnce exported it is ready for a Revit import.  Start a new Revit family with a close mapping to the type of component you wish to create.  Once in the Family Editor, go to the Add ins Tab and start the Import Building Family Table command.
Choose where to save the RFA after it is created, a template RFA to base off of, and whether to create a Type Catalog entry.
From here, there a few importand Revit steps involved in the usage of this data.  While they are not difficult to do, if you forget to do it then you are in for a software swearing match.
Remember to Edit the Family and delete the Text placeholder and be sure to remove additional rows from the list.  We only need one to make this work.  If you want to leave them that is fine, but you will have to create geometry for each one.  Normally geometry is similar enough not to do this repetitive step.
While you are creating the Revit family, be sure to not only to lock your geometry to your reference planes but also to link dimensions to the parameters you have brought over to the Revit program.
11-19-2010 4-04-57 PMAfter you finish creating your family, you can refresh it anytime you change designs in Inventor.  Simply start the command again this time choosing the Refresh option to update the values of the parameters that were brought over.  Correct updates do depend on how well you created your family in Revit in the first place.
For a more detailed look at this tool, Autodesk has provided a YouTube video of the process from Inventor to Revit and the refreshing operation.  Author note: I have no control over who Autodesk gets to narrate these things, but I can recommend a good energy drink or background rock music track.


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